
Steakhouse USDC Morpho Vault ราคาขณะนี้ ฿36.43.

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Bitcoin Price and Marketcap


0.10% (24H)
Low ฿35.89
High ฿36.60
  • Market Cap ฿3.64 B
  • Volume ฿0
  • ATH ฿36.95
  • ATH(% Change) -1.45%
  • ATH Date

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Date Price Volume MarketCap

Steakhouse USDC Morpho Vault ราคาขณะนี้ ฿36.43 และมูลค่าตามราคาตลาด (Marketcap) ฿3.64 B. ราคาขณะนี้ 0.10% up ใน 24 ชั่วโมง

The Steakhouse USDC vault aims to optimize yields by lending USDC against blue chip crypto and real world asset (RWA) collateral markets, depending on market conditions. We call this the "dual engine."Morpho Vaults are curated lending vaults that can allocate deposits to any number of Morpho Markets. Each vault is customizable and has a different risk profile. Curators are independent, third-party risk experts who use their expertise to offer various Morpho Vaults.